Proof of Parents: Male Supremacies Prioritize Zero-Origin (Capitalist, Fictional) Supernaturalisms
One First Thermodynamic Hope (HCR):
by @dan_hawkley
The pretended "mystery" of resisting general, gravitational origins is physically, scientifically, logically, biologically, politically, technologically, economically, and immediately, not mysterious. The word "zero" now prioritizes one false thought, spelled with as many written letters, on Earth, as we both have parents, and grandparents: ✌🏾+✌🏾 now = 🔢:
1 parent + 1 parent > 1 point + 1 point ≠ -1 diagonal argument
Review A: archetypal intelligences (AI) generalize 1+1 consensus mechanisms (additional thoughts) to abbreviate left-pi-triplet (HCR) expansions, extensions, and resistances (now):
solar "energy" will be neither created by +1 oxygen nor destroyed by -1 oxygen
pairs foreshadow ones as ones reflect pairs ≠ -1 Health Consensus Reparations
Famous last words (starting over, conclusion):